1. 基本方針
Basic Policy

PRIME TECH ENGINEERING, LTD. recognizes the protection of personal information as an important matter and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and will strive to handle personal information appropriately and manage it safely in accordance with the company’s own policies below.

2. お客様に関する情報の利用目的
Purpose of use of information about customers

  • 製品、商品、サービスに関する情報等のご提供
  • 新商品の紹介、展示会等の案内情報のご提供
  • 製品に関するメンテナンスに関する情報のご提供
  • Provision of information on products, goods and services, etc.
  • Providing information on new product introductions, exhibitions, etc.
  • Providing information on maintenance related to our products

3. 個人情報の取得
Acquisition of Personal Information

We will acquire personal information through legal and fair means.

4. 個人データの管理
Personal Data Management

Within the scope of the purposes of use, we will endeavor to keep personal data accurate and up-to-date, manage personal data appropriately, and take necessary measures for security management, such as preventing leakage, loss, or damage of personal data.In addition, we will strive to ensure that personal data is properly supervised and managed when handled by our employees and contractors.

5. 第三者への提供
Provision to third parties

We will not provide or disclose your personal information to third parties except in the following cases

  • お客様から事前に同意を得ている場合。
  • お客様が希望されるサービスをご提供するため、弊社が業務委託先等に必要な範囲内で提供または開示する場合。
  • 個人情報に関する守秘義務、再提供禁止および事故時における責任分担等の契約を締結し、個人情報に関して弊社と同等の取り扱いが担保されている第三者に対し提供または開示する場合。
  • 裁判所、検察、警察、政府、官公庁、その他の司法機関、または行政機関からの提出命令や協力要請等、関係法令、規則等の手続きに基づき収集した情報の提供または開示が必要となった場合。
  • 違法または不正な行為、詐欺または弊社サービスの利用規定に違反する行為がおこなわれている疑いが生じた場合や、法的対応が必要な場合であって、それらを調査し、未然に防止、または事後処理をとるため必要と認められた場合。
  • 弊社または、第三者の権利、財産、安全等を保護するために必要であると弊社が合理的に判断した場合。
  • When we have obtained prior consent from the customer.
  • When the Company provides or discloses personal information to subcontractors, etc. to the extent necessary for the Company to provide services requested by the customer.
  • When personal information is provided or disclosed to a third party that has entered into a confidentiality agreement, a prohibition on re-provision of personal information, and a sharing of responsibility in the event of an accident, and whose handling of personal information is guaranteed to be equivalent to that of the Company’s.
  • When it becomes necessary to provide or disclose information collected in accordance with the procedures of related laws, regulations, or rules, such as submission orders or cooperation requests from courts, prosecutors, police, government, public offices, or other judicial or administrative agencies.
  • When we suspect that illegal or fraudulent activities, fraud, or activities in violation of the terms of use of our services have occurred, or when legal action is required, and it is deemed necessary to investigate, prevent, or deal with the situation after the fact.
  • When we reasonably judge that it is necessary to protect the rights, property, safety, etc. of our company or a third party.

6. 保有個人データの開示・訂正・利用停止等
Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc. of Retained Personal Data

If a person requests disclosure, correction, or discontinuance of use of his/her personal data held by us, we will disclose, correct, or discontinue use of such data without delay to the extent reasonable after reasonably confirming the person’s identity and, if necessary, conducting an appropriate investigation.

7. 個人情報保護方針の見直し
Review of Privacy Policy

We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding personal information, and will review and continuously improve our personal information protection policy to ensure that it is handled in an appropriate manner.

8. お問合せ
Contact us

プライムテックエンジニアリング株式会社 総務部担当者
Contact person in charge of General Affairs Department, PrimeTech Engineering, Inc.
TEL 03-5805-6766
FAX 03-5805-6767